
If light hits every point on a mirror why is the image only flipped right/left? - Mondo

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well, we jammed the Pirate Ship restaurant tonight. Anne and I ate dinner there (they had 3 vegetarian dishes on the menu!) and then I joined the jam session. I'd worn my "sound level" shirt and it was a big hit, but I was actually hoping that Cory K. and Jake would be there. I knew he'd get a really big kick out of it, but they didn't show up. :( We can only hope she was in the Delivery Room and that Hannah Kay has arrived safe and sound!
None-the-less, the jam ran from 5 to just after 8 and we had a blast. Tim and Steve got it started with a couple of rock songs before I traded places with Steve and we did some blues numbers.
Then a guy named Lenny solo'd some old Folk music, complaining all the while. He complained about the guitar he'd borrowed (his broke a string), the temperature (it was slightly chilly) and that his song book was in the car. I thought it was all an act and finally told him to go get his songbook, which he did.
When he left a lady took the "stage" playing the keyboard and did a pop song. When Lenny returned he complained about that! Then while he was doing another song he couldn't hit the chords (neck was too skinny) and kept forgetting where he was in the song. It was hilarious. But, apparently it wasn't an act.
Once he'd finished he sat down to eat at the table that Anne was at. All the while, moanin' and groanin' about the food, the beer (which he got for free), etc. On the way home Anne was telling me about it and said that she didn't care for the guy. I guess she'd heard enough on stage and didn't need an ear full at the dinner table. Oh! I forgot to mention that Lenny is a Contrabass. Imagine that with a little whine in it. Hahaha...
In the mean time, we'd been joined by Steve and the keyboardist and were doing Route 66, Little Red Rooster and some Pop songs. When things paused a bit, Lenny wanted us to back him while he sang a couple more songs. That, I think, was the highlight of his evening and he promised to be back next week. Hmmm... probably shouldn't have played so well that time. ;)
Here's hoping to see you out on the town,