
If light hits every point on a mirror why is the image only flipped right/left? - Mondo

Friday, April 09, 2010

I figured out how to add tweets to the blog. Unfortunately, I can't put them in the left sidebar without completely redesigning the whole template for my blog. As a result, the Twitter feed is temporarily at the bottom of the blog. This is more of a placeholder for the code than anything else. When I come up with a better layout, I'll be moving it up to where it will be more prominent. Until then, you'll probably be better off just following me...
Hang in there, peeps!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

I know there's a way to link FaceBook to my blog, so I'm looking into that. Although I'm not sure I want it the other way around (blog > FB).
You'll know if I succeed when you see it.

Thursday night was even better! I wish everybody could have gone, but (be that as it may) I had a blast none-the-less. Tim was in fine form and sang three songs; then Dave, who was onstage with us and playing rhythm, called for a jam in E with the turn-around as 5-5#-5-1-stop. I'd never heard of such a thing, but but o...nce the drummer and I locked in we rocked the joint!
Afterwards, Rich (the leader of the hosting band, Blue Haven) complimented me! Then, the two best bass players that come to these jams wanted to know what I was playing and several other people gave kudos. Those bassists have never even spoken to me in the past! I must be getting better. Woot!